Client Love

Welcome to our Client Love page. Here, you’ll find testimonials from individuals who, just like you, had a deep desire to Reconnect to their true essence and their Creator.

Of Course, ALL glory for these amazing shifts and testimonials goes to God, through the unconditional love of Christ that we are tapping into.
People who have joined our program have had some amazing experiences. They’ve grown a lot, deepened relationships, followed their calling, Had more business success, and learned more about themselves. Their stories show how much they’ve changed and how you could change, too. Read about what they’ve been through and see how it’s made a difference in their lives. You might find that their stories are similar to your own hopes and dreams.

two person holding papercut heart

"I think you are the most significant and powerful pioneer of the Netherlands.

"I think you are the most significant and powerful pioneer of the Netherlands. I find your content super valuable because I think you are absolutely right whenever I read and listen to it. You say what others don't say. You do what others don't do. I am glad that you are here."
Josje Feller

Fear disappears and is replaced by TRUST

"It’s time to express my admiration. I am so grateful and so happy at this moment. All the pieces of the puzzle are falling into place. Your work is invaluable to me. You provide me with stability, a transformational tool; fear disappears and is replaced by TRUST. I would highly recommend your program to everyone..."
Femke van Kuijk

If Maartje is no longer on earth, then she truly is an ascended master to me.

It crossed my mind, 'If Maartje is no longer on earth, then she truly is an ascended master to me,' like in the 'Ascended Masters' card deck by Doreen Virtue."

Where other people stop, Maartje goes deeper, MUCH deeper.

“Signing up for Maartje’s program, without even knowing who she was, has been one of the best investments of my life. Every day I am thankful that this came on my path. I think Maartjes work is revolutionary, inspiring, and enriching. Where other people stop, she goes deeper, MUCH deeper. Her content always seems to connect perfectly to where I am on my journey, both in my personal life and in my business. I got a lot of value out of the program, and I hope I will be enjoying the content for a long time to come. Maartje is authentic, open, and can put things into words really well. You will notice that what she does and the way she does it is pure and real. Words can never really describe what I feel, but Maartje: Thank you for everything.”

You get me out of my comfort zone

"You give so much content in your Programs. With your straightforward content, you make me more aware of the processes and get out of my comfort zone. So many blocks have been cleared and there is always a new invitation to look further."

I have had A lot of quantum leaps

“I have had A lot of quantum leaps. I have started to love myself again. Now I know that I haven’t been crazy all my life, but that life is supposed to be like this, in alignment. I have regained belief in my dreams. I am happy in life again, I am judging myself and others way less than I was before, I am loving life again, I have rock solid confidence that everything will turn out fine. I am in control of my money again and instead of it flying out the door, it now comes flying in, I have a healthy diet again, I have started to really declutter my house and am giving away or throwing out all that no longer has any added value for me, I am HAPPY again. My mission is now crystal clear to me, I have said no to services I no longer wanted to deliver. No more holding back.”

I've been following many English-speaking experts in the field of Conscious Creation for a long time, but Maartje truly stands out

"Why am I following this program with Maartje? She delves deeper into energy, the spiritual aspect. The energies we feel and radiate. It greatly helps me unleash my creativity. While some people might find her too esoteric, I find it absolutely wonderful. The way she does and delivers it is so unique. I've been following many English-speaking experts in the field of Conscious Creation for a long time, but she truly stands out. She is so open, sincere, and honest. It's Dutch and down-to-earth, and at the same time, it feels like a warm blanket."
Susanne Bink

After 2 years, I have sold my business thanks to Maartje here advice about the energy shift I could make.

"My business has finally been sold! I had been working on it for 2 years, but Maartje's advice about the energy I could shift in my attitude towards the company was an eye-opener. I started integrating her advice and began aligning myself with the idea that my business would be taken over by someone who would also be very kind. Two weeks ago, someone suddenly showed interest, and after a few conversations, the deal was sealed. I also made a good amount of money from it. I looked at it and was so amazed at how quickly it all happened. I'm very grateful to you."

I went from 1 business where I did 1K revenue a month to 2 businesses with a still growing revenue.

“I joined Maartjes Coaching program to get more confidence and allow myself to receive more of what I desired to experience. During the coaching program, I went from 1 business where I did 1K revenue a month to 2 businesses with a still growing revenue. I could hardly get by with what I made in my business, and I was spending more than I made, but now I make the money I allow myself to make, and this amount is still growing. I feel more connected to who I really am, I can set proper boundaries, I feel free to create past my comfortzone and I can make decisions that I would have found difficult to make in the past. I have gotten so much value out of this Program and experienced so many shifts. It asked a lot from me to invest in myself, but I know it was worth everything I paid and I am receiving it back ten-fold.”
Kimberly van Steenbergen

I feel that you provide tremendous value.

"I find your content amazing, clear, and well-organized. No difficult words or vague stories, but simple, clear, and concrete. I also feel that you provide tremendous value, and I'm deeply thankful for this; I truly appreciate it. I use the Divine Alignment Journal every day and love that I can also connect though the Telegram Group. Thank you so much for creating this.”

The world is opening up to me again, and I have regained my energy.

"Since I started your program, I suddenly have so much more energy! I was truly stuck in certain beliefs. I had to recover from a burnout two years ago, and up until a month ago, I would constantly feel a slight panic about how tired I felt. And then you came into my life. I began your program and ever since, I've felt much better. Wonderful things are already happening. The world is opening up to me again, and I have regained my energy. Everything is possible again, and I can go in any direction I want. It gives me a sense of stability and inspiration. I think what you do is amazing, and I wouldn't want to be without it. It gives me the strength to keep going and experience new things! Thank you so much!!"
Marit Ladenius

I have already cleared so many blocks

"Dear Maartje, you provide so much value. Your straightforward texts help me become more aware of my processes and step out of my comfort zone. So many blocks have already been cleared, and there's always a new invitation to look further."
Miranda van de Wouw

I am one with the Creator

"I feel in your energy in your audio’s and video’s. It touches something within me and sets things in motion in my own energy field. You believe in all the cells of your body what you say, and that is like coming home. I love your honesty and that you show who you are and what you go through. I learn from that. I am one with the Creator and you have helped me to see this."

I am experiencing an energy and flow that is different from what I was used to.

"I am grateful that you came into my life and that I am experiencing an energy and flow that is different from what I was used to. Clearing out beliefs is something I have been able to do in the last few months thanks to your inspiration and programs. Our Creator takes care of us with the energy we put out, so powerful."

My life has completely changed in a matter of months.

"I would like to let you know the value you have given me, but I don't even know where to begin. I have been involved with this program for six months now and have already gained so much from it. I knew very little about conscious creation, and now I am manifesting wonderful things. I am learning from you how to attract clients. I have been able to largely transform my fear of scarcity. Just that last part alone is so valuable to me. Instead of worrying, I am now focused on what I want to create. My life has completely changed in a matter of months. And that without ever having spoken to you personally. All of this is due to the fantastic content you create and your powerful energy that I feel when I listen to the audios. Thank you for being there and being an example of how life really works. Especially when there is contrast. I am incredibly grateful for your program."

You are a living Legend

"Holy wow!! You are a living legend. So smart, authentic, straightforward... grand in your depth and in taking people along with you. No shit, no drama. And when I experience confusion, you have the gift of making me think clearly. Once again, you help me by showing that this will continue to happen. That makes it a bit easier for me to trust. That's it... you pave a path, and when I walk on it, I KNOW it's possible.You make my trust continue to grow."
Anouschka Zijlstra-Evers

You touch my Soul

"I don't have a business yet, but like you, I have been intensely studying Reality Creation for over 12 years now... everything from Hicks, and then delving much deeper into the TAO, 'A Course in Miracles', just to name a few. I read and listen to everything from a number of very inspiring and renowned masters. Yes, there are many coaches here, and many of them essentially spread the same message, but they don't touch me. Maartje, you are so honest, so pure, you live it, and you speak to my soul, and that's when it really resonates with me!"
Brigitte van der Kamp

I have been able to transform my negative fears from the last 2 years into deep trust within just a few days!

"Thanks to you, I have been able to transform my negative fears from the last 2 years into deep trust within just a few days. My husband and I were in a financially very difficult position for 2 years straight, and the toughest, most stressful month with the highest bills was going to be December 2017; but thanks to your emails (and my reading and applying of your knowledge) I was able to switch from fear to truly deep trust. I was able to sleep well at night again, and we managed to pay all our bills. By really applying what you so clearly explained, I lost my fear in about two days. Suddenly, I could see very clearly how my fear of scarcity had also created scarcity over the past 2 years. With our business and also personally, we indeed had made big steps, but it was always difficult and very exhausting. Until your emails came along and now you have awakened that great, inner power in me. So dear Maartje, thank you very much for your great, incredibly positive loving contribution to my life full of abundance and this is just the beginning because I now have a lot of super fun plans that I am going to realize!!"

This program is an asset to my life.

"This program is an asset to my life. I find it a joy to write in the Divine Alignment Journal every day. I feel so much closer to Source. And as I write this, I feel soooo happy and grateful inside. A lot is happening at the moment. I am truly starting to love myself. I am beginning to see more of who I really am. Amazing things happen every day. Wow, what an asset to my life. I am very grateful to Maartje for what she has given me. This came at exactly the right time. Maartje is truly a writer. She can articulate everything fantastically. She writes about her own experiences, and these images deeply resonate with me. The message is that you can be yourself. It doesn't matter what others think of this. When you work in alignment with Source, you radiate very beautiful energy, and this is highly contagious. Then I can feel that we all have a soul and we are all one. Thank you for that, Maartje!!!!"